Welcome to ‘Fill the Gap’ an online initiative of Splashout Art Studios in South Australia.

Please play this special message from Splashout Proprietors – Jenny Tuck and Krystyna Ciesiolkiewicz

General Painting – Project 1: Colours of Autumn

Please watch Stage 1

Scroll down for :

  • Paintings by other Artists for inspiration
  • Sample photos taken at the Studio
  • Autumn Colours Part 2 (video)

See below samples of paintings by other artists in this same theme (for inspiration)

See below some example photographs taken by Splashout which you are welcome to use as your subject matter if unable to source your own

General Painting – Project 1: Colours of Autumn

See below for Stage 2


Any type of product can be used to complete this Project:

  • oil paint
  • acrylic paint
  • watercolour
  • pastel
  • coloured pencils

Anything you can get your hands on to complete the exercise !

This is designed as a 2 week project.

When you feel you are half way through the project, please send in a progress photo via email to art@splashout.net.au
Krystyna Ciesiolkiewicz, our Head Tutor, will respond to your email with some feedback and comments to assist you on your way.

When you feel your project is finished and complete, kindly take a photograph and send in to Krystyna (Head Tutor) who will make comment and feedback on how well you have progressed.
Remember to email only to art@splashout.net.au

Splashout Art Studios ‘Fill the Gap’ online art education will only be via email.  All other forms of communication will not be seen.  We are only checking emails at this time.

Thanks for joining the ‘Fill the Gap’ online programs.
More news will be coming to you soon via email, so get ready for your next project which will be coming in a few days time.


Here are some works in progress by our ‘Fill the Gap’ Members (General Painting level)