Foundations of Drawing – Short Course

Presenter: Kathy Doley

  • Dates: To be advised (5 weeks)
  • Time: To be advised
  • Course Fee: $ 450
  • Location: Splashout Art Studios, 5 Ravine Street, Marino, SA.
  • Includes: Use of materials and a variety of drawing paper

About the Course

Looking for a refresher or wanting to develop your drawing skills?
Join us in our short course ‘Foundations of Drawing’.  This 5-stage process has been designed to move you gently through a variety of drawing techniques and skills using a variety of materials and subject matter.

What to Bring
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BRING! All necessary paper, sketch books, card, materials, supplies and equipment are included in your fee.


‘Demystifying. Breaking down the process, separating it from the art – really helped me free up.  It was utterly empowering.’ Phillipa, August 2020
‘Great – learned a lot. Hard work but worth the brain power.’  August 2020
‘Learnt so much over only a few Saturdays. Both teachers were fantastic and to learn the basics was so important.’ Mark, August 2020
‘Quick crash course in learning how to draw, technically.  Lovely teachers – patient, kind, supportive.’ August 2020
‘Brilliant! So enjoyable and at a level that any experience could do.  Learnt so many techniques.’ Trish, August 2020
‘Illuminating about how drawings are constructed.’  Russell, March 2019
‘I’ve learnt so much.  I’ve drawn a cafe, a male ballet dancer and a gorgeous cat.  That’s more than basic for me!  Helen, March 2019
‘What I needed and wanted !  Covered a lot, practised a lot, really motivated to do plenty at home; a lot of application opportunities.  Great atmosphere.’  Chris, March 2019
‘Great!  Covered heaps of fundamentals each week, and got a great appreciation for the ‘art’ (practice) of drawing.’  Kath, March 2019

Results from previous Workshop participants


Important: Please check availability before enrolling/paying.
Tel: (08) 8296 3859

A deposit payment of $100 is required with booking

Payment options:

  • Paypal (you will be re-directed to the Paypal website)
  • Credit card (over phone – 8296 3859)
  • Electronic Funds Transfer:
    BSB: 735621 | Account number: 545035 | Account Name: Splashout Studios
    IMPORTANT: Please advise when paid

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