Fabulous Frida

  • Presenter: Cat Leonard

  • Day/date: Saturday 19 August, 2017

  • Time: 1.00 – 5.30 pm (4.5 hours) – doors open 12.30 pm

  • Fee: $ 180

What to bring

Materials are included in the fee, however you may wish to bring your usual painting kit if you choose.
Prior to Workshop you will receive a briefing requesting that you bring your 2 favourite photographs of Frida (many can be found online or in numerous books that have been written about this particular artist – on the day Splashout will also have some images available that you may borrow.)

Included in the Fee

Use of all paints, supplies and materials + large stretched canvas
Refreshments available throughout

About the Presenter

Cat Leonard is an award winning South Australian Artist, particularly known for her portraits created in a funky, zany, colourful style. Cat’s Workshops are in great demand as are her artworks which she constantly creates in her home studio to fulfill the high demand from her fans to own an original ‘Cat Leonard’ art piece.

About the Featured Artist

Frida Kahlo was considered one of Mexico’s greatest artists and is revered and admired worldwide.  This is partly because of her personal journey in life where she overcame enormous obstacles and challenges after a debilitating accident, but mainly because her often highly exotic, challenging and colourful artworks depicted real life visions of personal, self expression.  Frida is probably one of the most loved and definitely one of the most photographed artists of our time.

Splashout Workshop

About the Workshop

Frida Kahlo is regarded as iconic and much photographed, therefore we decided that rather than try and paint in her style, it would be far more appropriate for workshop participants to be able to take home their own painting of this strong, courageous and much loved woman.

We have deliberately invited Cat Leonard to be the guest presenter on this one because not only does Cat love the work of Frida Kahlo herself, but is a highly acclaimed portrait artist who thrives on presenting interesting and unusual Workshops with Splashout.

See above for paintings created by Frida of herself.  She was the master of self portraits, quoted as saying “I paint myself because I am so often alone and I am the person I know best.”


Important: Please check availability before enrolling/paying.

Tel: (08) 8296 3859
Email: art@splashout.net.au

Please note a $70 deposit is required with booking to secure your place

Payment options:

  • Paypal
  • Credit card
  • Electronic funds transfer:
    BSB: 735621 | Account number: 545035 | Account Name: Splashout Studios (Please advise when paid)

View our Terms and Policies HERE


Amazing discount plan !

Book more than 1 workshop and grab some savings
(Bookings must be made at the same time with deposits, to be eligible)

Two workshops = 5 % discount off total
Three workshops = 7.5 % discount off total
Four workshops = 10 % discount off total
Five workshops = 12.5 % discount off total
Six workshops = 15 % discount off total
Seven workshops = 17.5 % discount off total
Eight workshops = 20 % discount off total

Select your multiple workshops on our online booking form to receive your discount.


Did you know Splashout has its own modern, self-contained and fully equipped nearby Studio Apartment?
Enjoy a ‘Weekend Workshop Getaway Package’ for an additional fee for Workshop participants only.

Click here for more information