Industrial Revolution Workshop
Presenter: Lisa Ingerson
Date: Sunday 31 March 2019
Time: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm (doors open 9.30 am)
All Inclusive Fee: $190 ($70 deposit required with booking)
Included in fee:
Large, quality stretched canvas
Full selection of acrylic paint colours
Quality art materials
All necessary equipment
Quality brushes (bring your own optional)
Teas/coffee/biscuits/cake provided free throughout the day
- BYO Lunch
Venue: Splashout Art Studios – 5 Ravine Street, Marino, 5049
The Workshop
‘Industrial Revolution’ is a workshop focussing on a theme that would usually not be associated with Lisa Ingerson. Lisa is usually better known for her large, extravagant portraits of people using a prolific amount of gold leaf. However, on further discussion with Lisa we discovered that one of her favourite personal subjects to paint and enjoy within her own private time are scenes that are far more abstract, colourful, minimalist nature with a strong leaning towards themes of industry, corrugated iron fences, urban backstreets and even scenes of past rural decay in the form of rusty old shearing sheds, fences and abandoned farm equipment.
So in short, we decided to call the workshop ‘Industrial Revolution’ because I guess a lot of Lisa’s subjects would have originated back in the very early days of that particular stage of society’s evolution.
Come and enjoy a unique experience with a master of the art !

Some results from previous Workshop participants:

About the Artist
Lisa is a multi award winning South Australian Artist as well as being a full-time Registered Nurse and Mum. She also volunteers in the office at the South Australian Royal Society of Arts plus many other extra curricula activities. See samples of Lisa’s artworks above.
A Word from Splashout
“We are enjoying working with Lisa and look forward to offering ongoing Workshops throughout 2019.”
Important – Please check availability before enrolling/paying by calling or emailing Splashout:
Tel: (08) 8296 3859
Email: art@splashout.net.au
Please note: a $70 deposit is required with booking to secure your place
Payment options:
Paypal – you will be redirected to the Paypal website
Credit card – call the Studio Office on 08 8296 3859
Internet electronic funds transfer – BSB: 735621 | Account number: 545035 | Account Name: Splashout Studiosm (Please advise when paid)
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