

The health, safety and well-being of all at ‘Splashout Art Studios’ is a priority.

We are following the Australian Government updates to help mitigate the risk of this virus being spread to, or through, our community.

As classes and workshops resume after the COVID lock-down, the following measures are in place at the Studio to keep us all safe:


  • easels have been spaced apart (1.5 metres) for social distancing.


  • hand sanitiser provided in both the Studio & Gallery entries;
  • high touch points (handles, taps etc) are frequently cleaned;
  • soap bars have been removed and replaced with liquid pump soap;
  • 2 washing areas – the laundry has been set up as a washing areas so the kitchen isn’t crowded
  • a Professional Cleaner will also attend the studio weekly for a ‘hard clean’


All towels (and tea-towels) have been removed and replaced with paper towels in  dispensers.  All are kept topped up, ready for your use.


Paper cups are available for use for tea/coffee or BYO mug for extra safety


COVID signage is displayed through the Studio to remind you how to keep safe


Please do not attend Splashout Art Studios if:

  • you have had close contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days
  • you have returned from outside South Australia from NSW, Vic or overseas in the last 14 days
  • you have been to Adelaide Airport, including in the terminal in the last 14 days
  • you have a temperature over 37.5C or have flu like symptoms – sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, runny nose
  • you have been in close contact or live with someone who is self-isolating, under quarantine or waiting to be test for COVID-19

Many thanks for your co-operation, and we look forward to continuing to create fabulous Art in our professional, happy and healthy studio.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me directly on (08) 8296 3859 or by email: art@splashout.net.au

Kind regards and remember – this too will pass.

Krysia Ciesiolkiewicz
Manager / Proprietor
Splashout Art Studios