Mixed Media Collage – the Nude
Presented by Guest Artist Lauryn Arnott – Master of Visual Arts (MVA)
Date: Sunday 23 July 2017
Time: 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
Fee: $210 – includes model fee
Location: Splashout Art Studios, 5 Ravine Street, Marino, SA.
Complimentary refreshments are served throughout.
Lauryn explains the workshop . . . “People can be taught how to draw, much like learning how to read and write. Whatever drawing toolbox is used, whether it is a pencil, a paintbrush or an iPad, understanding the fundamentals of visual language that are learned from drawing, will allow you as the artist, to master any means of visual expression and have the freedom to discover the limitless possibilities of art”.
About The Workshop
An intensive workshop in which Lauryn will introduce ideas and methods that are part of her studio practice. The first session will begin with quick sketches concentrating on movement, and progressed to a long pose with its attendant issues of anatomy, composition, proportion and form. Observational skills, learning how to see and measure visually, render, and the development of a heightened fluency of expression cued by the figure. In the second session, each participant will recycle and collage parts of old drawings from the workshop, reworking and experimenting with cutting back into the drawing using erasure and drawing .
Who can attend:
This general drawing workshop is designed for students/professionals and beginners.
What to bring:
Nothing. Everything will be provided
Splashout proprietor: Krsystyna Ciesiolkiewicz says . . . “Lauryn will show you how to develop these important drawing techniques which are the building blocks that one can use to construct drawings – this is the foundation upon which all traditional visual art is made.”
About the presenter:
Lauryn Arnott is a visual artist, teacher and workshop designer/facilitator. Known for her fun, innovative projects and techniques designed to assist participants explore a spontaneous and playful approach to art and seeing and experiencing their world. Lauryn’s love of history and her drawing abilities earned her the 2006 Association of Commonwealth Universities Art Prize in a competition titled ‘A place in the world.’ In 2007 she was the first to be awarded a ‘Master’s of Visual Arts’ Degree from ‘Adelaide Central school of Art’.
Important: Please check availability before enrolling/paying.
Tel: (08) 8296 3859
Email: art@splashout.net.au
Payment options: Credit card. Cheque. Internet electronic funds transfer.
Electronic Funds Transfer:
BSB: 735621 | Account number: 545035 | Account Name: Splashout Studios
IMPORTANT: Please advise when paid
Please note full payment with booking is required
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