Journey into Abstraction – Short Course

Presenter: Krystyna Ciesiolkiewicz

Dates: Thursdays: 12 May – 2 June 2022 (4 weeks)
Time: 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm (Doors open 5.45 pm)
Course Fee: $420
Location: Splashout Art Studios, 5 Ravine Street, Marino, SA.

Included in the fee:

Tuition and canvas

To bring:

  • Paint brushes in a range of sizes
    OR Splashout can supply a set of brushes at a reduced cost of $30
  • Acrylic & oil paints plus relevant mediums

About the Course

Follow the history, origins and development of abstraction in art while working through your own abstraction journey.

Learn fundamentals, practice techniques of colour overlays and composition to reach your final destination.

Some previous painting experience required.


Important: Please check availability before enrolling/paying.
Tel: (08) 8296 3859

Payment options: Paypal.  Credit card. Internet electronic funds transfer.
Electronic Funds Transfer:
BSB: 735621 | Account number: 545035 | Account Name: Splashout Studios
IMPORTANT: Please advise when paid
Please note: a $100 deposit is required with your booking

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